Taught by two of the world’s most widely respected mindfulness teachers, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, this program delivers 40 lessons, each under 15 minutes in length. Throughout this program, you will learn to feel more present and engaged, develop your creativity and critical thinking skills, improve your health and well-being, have better relationships and interactions, and revolutionize your overall experience at work.

Mindfulness Daily at Work presents an in-depth training that teaches you key mindfulness practices specifically targeted for the workplace. Regular mindfulness practice supports us in navigating our workday with presence and awareness, which in turn enhances our capacity to face life’s challenges with grace, strength, and compassion. The answer lies in the simple and powerful practice of mindfulness. What would it take for you to truly thrive at work-and how might this impact the rest of your life? Bestselling author Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India and has taught worldwide since 1974. Sounds True may offer an option to make a purchase utilizing an installment payment plan for certain products. This course is also offered on and Insight Timer.
#Jack kornfield sounds true update#
All of us can tap into an internal well of joy, satisfaction, and vitality at work, no matter what our jobs are. Sounds True reserves the right to update this exclusion list in the future based on the addition of programs that also will not be eligible for the Sounds True One member discount. To establish a daily habit of meditating, we recommend completing one lesson per day. The truth is that we don’t have to feel the stress, anxiety, or unhappiness so common in today’s workplaces. When you get ready for work each day, how do you feel? Excited, inspired, and energized about the day’s possibilities? Or tired and stressed? Dreading your commute and the conversations, tasks, and challenges that are headed your way? Jack trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India and has taught worldwide since 1974. Kornfield, Pema Chodron, Brene Brown, Tara Brach, Adyashanti, Kristin Neff.
#Jack kornfield sounds true free#
Sign up to sample four free introductory lessons with world-renowned mindfulness teachers Tara Brach, PhD and Jack Kornfield, PhD.